Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The stampede has begun!

Everyone following the recession and its impact on high performers has been waiting for this day. We have expected it, warned of its arrival, and wondered when it would come. It has arrived.

A look at the headlines of the Wall Street Journal's Management page indicates the stampede of high performers toward the exits has begun.

They are leaving the companies that kept them employed during the height of the recession for greener pastures. They are leaving for positions with more authority or to start their own businesses. Some are leaving to take a break from the high-pressure jobs they've had in recent years. A few are leaving because they were kicked out, but they aren't like the top performers you should be concerned with.

Have your top performers left yet? If not, are you enticing them to stay? Are you doing enough?

If you are not enticing top performers to stay, know that your competitors will entice them to their greener pastures.


  1. Good post, Kelly and timely. I met with two executives last week, both of whom are switching to new positions in new companies.

  2. Thanks, Chuc. It's good to see some movement--opens slots for people on their way up. Hopefully companies who want to keep their good folks around are doing so actively.

    Good luck to your two executives!
