Thursday, March 11, 2010

Shiny Happy People Laugh all the Way to the Bank

REM knew what they were talking about in the song Shiny Happy People. They sing of happy people being loved by everyone around. They sing of putting happiness in your heart. They sing of gold and silver shining. Shiny happy people holding hands; shiny happy people laughing...

Shiny happy people laugh all the way to the bank!

Research has continuously shown that happy employees yield positive results. Research in 2001, 2004, and 2005 conducted by the American Behavioral Scientist, the University of Michigan, and the Psychological Bulletin all show that when employees are happy, their companies benefit. Benefits include increased profits, higher customer satisfaction ratings, lower absenteeism, and more creative problem solving. The happier employees benefit by missing work less and receiving high performance evaluations (thus, raises) more.

The research has been around for years, yet some company leaders considered it fluff in the past.

What has changed lately is companies are running out of ways to get more out of people. They have milked their cash cows (their people) dry, so to speak. And, employees are miserable because of it. Job satisfaction is declining, which leads to declining productivity as well. "Why give my all to a company who doesn't care about me?" is often asked by high caliber employees. Why, indeed?

The way out of the recession, the way to improved financial performance, the way to long-term survival and success is through the people. Showing more understanding and genuine concern for people is profitable. Show your people they have a reason to give their all. They won't do it so you can have a bigger raise, fancier home, or special car. If you don't know their reason, get help to figure it out.Your competitors are.

Shiny happy people laugh all the way to the bank because their bosses figured it out--people before profits. Take care of your people and profits will come. Then, you too can laugh all the way to the bank.

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