Thursday, March 19, 2009

Another example of horrible networking...

This evening was Kansas City's Small Business of the Year Showcase. More than 130 award candidates displayed our (my business is a candidate) work for nearly 1,000 local business people who attended.

This is one of the biggest networking events of the year. It's so big, my mom comes to "man" my booth, so I can talk to even more people. She is a great networker, and was fun to hang out with for the evening. I was grateful she spent the time there, and appreciated her help, which is more than can be said of "Barnes."

Here's the story...

One of the most delightful people I met this evening was the wife of an attorney. She wore jeans, pony tail, and KU sweatshirt as she passed out carnations to the women with booths at the event. She was adorable, smart, and socially savvy. I liked her so much, I wanted to meet her husband before leaving. Her husband is an attorney, and she was representing him there. At the end of the event, with my display suitcase and mom in tow, I went to find the wife and her attorney husband.

Boy, was he a jerk!

He introduced himself to me politely, and when I said why I came over to meet him, he made a rude comment about his wife being insignificant. I said something about her being out among the crowd doing a great job networking, and he actually said something which would indicate that she's not qualified to do anything else. (Meanwhile, I'd already learned she has a counseling degree and works as a counselor part-time, while raising their kids. A very smart woman.)

I said, "If you get any business from this event, you'll have her to thank." By then he had dismissed me and was speaking with another man.

Times are tough for law firms, aren't they? One would think the guy would be a little more savvy. Perhaps he can learn a few tips from his wife.

1 comment:

  1. I attended the same event.

    How stupid of the spouse to speak in that manner in any setting. Let alone in front of a woman---you Kelly Tyler. As soon as anyone meets you, they realize they have just met a no-nonsense business professional.

    The guy showed his true colors. His business will reflect his attitude. The law of attraction is sometimes fun to observe in action. The attorney’s clients will be just like him. Obnoxious, ungrateful complainers.

    I also had the unfortunate experience of meeting two male attorney's who dropped by my table. They acted in a dismissive manner and their comments bordered on rude.

    I felt as if I were back in the 80's before men know that Women Mean Business. Big Business! It has been a long time since I had been spoken to in that way. For that, I am grateful.

    I also met some fabulous people and left with a few business leads. Overall, a good time investment.

    Kelly, keep up the timely and meaningful blogs!
