Thursday, May 20, 2010

How to Put Your Whole Self In #5

Put Your Curiosity In...

Notice how endearing it is when a three-year old asks, "Why?" a gazillion times? Even though it can be a little annoying at times, the curiosity is remarkable.

Imitate the child by asking, "Why?" and delving more to understand others better. Be curious and interested, and you'll be more interesting too.

Diane Sawyer, one of the book's all-in examples, says, "If there were rehab for curiosity, I'd be in it!" 

She strives to learn 30 things before breakfast. Way to go, Diane!

From the new book available now: 
Put Your Whole Self In! Life and Leadership the Hokey Pokey Way
Please click here for more information
Copyright 2010 Kelly A. Tyler

Monday, May 17, 2010

If you found $20k, what would you do?

An employee at a furniture liquidation business in Washington found $20,000 in the back of an old armoire. If you were he, what would you do?

A. Keep it and keep it a secret
B. Tell the store owners and split it with them
C. Find the original armoire owner and return the money

If you were the store owner, would you keep the money or would you find the armoire owner? If your employee turned in such a large sum, how would you respond to him?

Check back in 48 hours to see the end result of this true story...

As you may have guessed, the store employee notified the store owners who identified the estate sale where the armoire was purchased. The $20k was returned to a very surprised family.

Way to go!

Monday, May 10, 2010

How to Put Your Whole Self In #4

Put Your Nose In...

When you smell smoke, you run out of the house. When you smell cookies baking, you run into the kitchen. When you smell Crazy Aunt Ida’s perfume, you hide.

Listen to your nose when it comes to daily decisions that affect your goals. If something “smells wrong,” it is wrong for you. Trust your instincts and follow them.
From the new book: 
Put Your Whole Self In! Life and Leadership the Hokey Pokey Way
Please click here for more information
Copyright 2010 Kelly A. Tyler