Put Your Curiosity In...
Notice how endearing it is when a three-year old asks, "Why?" a gazillion times? Even though it can be a little annoying at times, the curiosity is remarkable.
Notice how endearing it is when a three-year old asks, "Why?" a gazillion times? Even though it can be a little annoying at times, the curiosity is remarkable.
Imitate the child by asking, "Why?" and delving more to understand others better. Be curious and interested, and you'll be more interesting too.
Diane Sawyer, one of the book's all-in examples, says, "If there were rehab for curiosity, I'd be in it!"
She strives to learn 30 things before breakfast. Way to go, Diane!
She strives to learn 30 things before breakfast. Way to go, Diane!
From the new book available now:
Put Your Whole Self In! Life and Leadership the Hokey Pokey Way
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Copyright 2010 Kelly A. Tyler