Put Your Ears In...
Bodies are made with two ears and one mouth, so use them accordingly: listen twice as often as you speak. Pay attention to what others say, and do not say, so you can respond in the way most likely to achieve desired results.
(Excerpt from the new book, Put Your Whole Self In! Life and Leadership the Hokey Pokey Way.)
Sales people are notoriously bad at listening; although, many think they are good at it. If your process includes a pre-planned pitch to deliver at your first meeting or phone call, you are not listening.
A sales rep for a copier company called me at my home-office recently. His very first words to me were, "Are you the person in charge of purchasing equipment?" The next sentence was about how much money he could save me if I purchased a new copier machine from him. I explained my work and that the maintenance required for a machine in my home would not save me money. He argued that it would.
If only that example was rare. You've probably had similar experiences. If you are a sales person, or if you need to sell your coworkers on your ideas, do not emulate those poor role models.
Listen more than you speak and you will improve the results of interactions with others. And, that helps you be all-in.
Put Your Whole Self In! Life and Leadership the Hokey Pokey Way
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