Sometimes having guts is stupid and gets unwanted attention, as it has this week for a USC football player.
The player is using finger gestures he wouldn't use to greet his grandma as fans from the opposing team take pictures before the game. The same player gave the same gestures throughout the game to the student section of the opposing fans. A teammate last year make a grossly offensive gesture behind a female sports reporter. A few years ago, a player from the same team was arrested for battery.
It takes guts to behave that way. It takes guts to allow a team culture in which such behavior happens often. Often. Not infrequently. Often.
The photo made its way around the internet, and since it did, the team's coach had to address the issue. The player said he learned his lesson after the coach spoke to the team:
"Just don't be stupid anymore," he said. "Everyone's always watching and
one little thing can be blown up." (SOURCE: Los Angeles Times)
One little thing?! Clearly, he missed the point. Or, perhaps the right point was not delivered by the coach in the first place.
When a USC band member spewed obscenities at an opposing player during the game, the band director admonished the band member directly and immediately. Meanwhile, the team's head coach seemed annoyed that his player got caught. Maybe he does not get the point either.
Is the point that one should not behave that way or that it is okay if you do not get caught? It takes guts to foster a culture in which the behavior is tolerated, perhaps even celebrated.
Some day that team is going to get caught for the culture it lives by. It will be interesting to see what they are made of when that happens.