Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The New-Car Scent of a New Year

Ah, the fresh scent of a new year...sort of has the new-car smell, don't you think?

When we get a new car, we make promises like, "No one will ever eat in here." Or, "I will wash it every week." Or, "I will get all regular maintenance on time at exactly 2500 miles."

How long before jam-packed schedules require grabbing lunch while driving between appointments? How long before daily activities prevent weekly washings? How soon does that 2500 miles creep up each month or quarter?

While we love our new car upon its purchase, and continue to appreciate it while it serves us well, the initial promises most often get forgotten within a few months.

Is each new year like that too?

Do you make promises at the beginning of the year, only to have them forgotten by Valentine's Day? Why do we do that? Why are so many people hopeful January 1st and mad at themselves by March 1st?

Let's not do that in 2010. Let's do these 3 things instead:

1. Let's take each day at a time. Keep your promises today. When you awake tomorrow, ponder your promises for 3 minutes and decide to keep them tomorrow. Take each day one at a time. Doing so will build momentum which will make it easier and easier to keep your promises every day.

2. Let's also acknowledge the good things in our lives, just as we do when trading in our old car. We liked many things about that old car--the radio stations were set, the seat position was perfect, the "check engine" lights worked. We don't always hate the old car; we simply know it's time for a new one. Think of a new year like that: we don't have to hate the past year, just be ready to move on to the new one. Even with tough times faced in 2009, life was good. Make a list and bring the good into 2010.

3. Let's set ourselves up for success in 2010. When I bought a new car a few years ago, I liked the fresh scent, so I keep air fresheners in the glove compartment. Every few months, a new Christmas Cookie freshener hangs from one of the arms off the steering wheel (I'm not a big fan of things hanging from the rear-view mirror), so the fresh scent reminds me to keep the promises made when the car was new. What can you do today to make keeping your 2010 promises likely? There may be simple things to bring success closer. Look for them.

The new-car smell fades within a month or two, as does the excitement of a new year. Taking each day at a time, pondering the good, and setting yourself up for success will enable you to keep the new year hope and excitement going all year long. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly THANK YOU for this lovely post~what great reminders to help us stay on track with our goals throughout the year, not just the first week of January! I loved the tip about the car freshener~on my way to get some now! XOXO Gigi Belmonico
